Iggy Azalea thanks plastic surgeon for fabulous breasts and nose

Iggy Azalea went out of her way to give props to the plastic surgeon who has helped make her the superstar she is today! The rapper took to Instagram to wish Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr.Ashkan Ghavami a happy birthday. Ghavami has performed both a breast augmentation and rhinoplasty procedure on the Fancy performer.


Iggy Azalea went out of her way to give props to the plastic surgeon who has helped make her the superstar she is today!

The rapper took to Instagram to wish Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami a happy birthday. Ghavami has performed both a breast augmentation and rhinoplasty procedure on the “Fancy” performer.

She wrote, “It might seem obvious I’d hold the man I owe my fabulous nose and breasts to in high regard. But vanity aside; Ash you’re hilarious as hell, talented, eclectic, a progressive thinker & someone who supports women in their choice to do what they want with their OWN bodies (tons of men don’t share that sentiment) So cheers to you! I’m proud to call you my friend.”


Ghavami was appreciative of the shout out as he replied, “Thank you a mill for everything! Your bold confidence is to be respected! My BDay is complete. Those like you who stand apart and trailblaze their own path no matter who tries to block or impede it, ALWAYS come out ahead , most importantly for themselves.”

In an interview earlier this year with Elle Canada, Iggy expressed her opinion that folks should be more accepting of cosmetic procedures. “That’s just the reality. And I think more people need to admit that s**t so it doesn’t have to be so taboo, because we’re all doing it anyway,” she said.

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