I am Lucky To Be Alive, Gov't Spokesperson Cyrus Oguna Opens Up On Battle With Covid-19

Government Spokesperson Cyrus Oguna has finally narrated his near-death experience after contracting COVID-19, saying that it is good to be alive. In a series of tweets, Oguna has stated that after testing positive for the virus, he experienced excruciating pain in his chest that made breathing difficult.

Government Spokesperson Cyrus Oguna has finally narrated his near-death experience after contracting COVID-19, saying that it is good to be alive.

In a series of tweets, Oguna has stated that after testing positive for the virus, he experienced excruciating pain in his chest that made breathing difficult.

Oguna further narrated how long and quiet the nights were, only interrupted by endless bleeping of life support machines.

“The storm struck that very same night. I suddenly woke up in excruciating pain in my chest. Breathing was extremely difficult & any effort to do so felt like a bayonet was being driven through my chest. I was literally gasping for air,” he wrote.

Read:Government Spokesperson Cyrus Oguna Confirms Testing Positive For COVID-19

“Days are long and nights are even longer and quiet, the quiet only interrupted by the endless bleeping of life support machines. Any human interaction is limited to the healthcare workers donned in full PPEs, which cover even their faces,” he added.

In the Crosshairs of a Covid-19 Sniper Gun.

Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna, MBS, ndc(K)
Government Spokesperson.

I am sharing my story with you as a Covid-19 survivor, well aware that if the invisible enemy had pulled the trigger, I would be just another statistic in its many hits. 1/

— Spokesperson GoK (@SpokespersonGoK) September 18, 2020

According to Oguna, the days before he tested positive for COVID-19 were some of the longest although he soldiered on despite experiencing challenges.

For instance, he recounts traveling to Mombasa and back to Nairobi while experiencing the symptoms associated with the virus despite testing negative.

My blood pressure was alarmingly high, and she wanted to know if I have a history of hypertension, which I do, but it hadn’t been too serious. She took a second reading just to be sure, but the outcome was no different. 11/

— Spokesperson GoK (@SpokespersonGoK) September 18, 2020

Read Also: Gov’t Spokesperson Oguna Denies Being Hospitalized Over Covid-19 As Two CSs Reportedly Test Positive

Consequently, Oguna intimated that contact tracing after testing positive for COVID-19 was less tedious as the majority of the people he had come into contact with were mainly in clusters.

“I am however unable to ascertain if all the other individuals were contacted. It is now several weeks, and I can only assume that they are all well,” he says.

Oguna further says that he could not breathe nor speak clearly with medics stating that his lung function had been severely compromised due to acute Pneumonia and that without oxygen, chances of survival would be remote.

In one instance, Oguna recalls going to the washroom with only two doors and being unable to get back as he had lost all the strength.

Even if I tried, no sound would come out. I simply sat in there, not knowing what would happen next. Then an angel came. A comrade in arms; Warrant Officer Wycliffe Tanui heard the groaning and came to check. He helped me to get up and back to my bed. 27/

— Spokesperson GoK (@SpokespersonGoK) September 18, 2020

Read Also: Spreading Rumours About Coronavirus Will Attract Sh5 Million Fine – Oguna

The government Spokesperson applauded the medics for their good job in taking care of COVID-19 patients as the PPEs are reportedly uncomfortable just as the job is risky.

For instance, he was released from the hospital about a month ago although he still experiences occasional breathlessness and lack of taste or smell.

Oguna had tested positive for the virus on July 24, 2020, after stating that he was from an assignment out of town and developed flu-like symptoms.


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